Lundi 3 février, 9h-12h, salle 0.010 Bâtiment Recherche Nord, Campus Condorcet, Cours des Humanités 93300 Aubervilliers
Séminaire coordonné par Nisrine Al-Zahre, Emma Aubin-Boltanski, Cécile Boëx, Thomas Pierret et Anna Poujeau
La séance sera animée par Lorenzo Trombetta et Agnès Favier
Lorenzo Trombetta (COSV, Development Cooperation)
Applied research as a tool to support local communities in different Syrian contexts.
Presentation of the main outline of an EU-funded project to support Syrian people in improving local governance through production of usable knowledge. The role of local researchers and the process of building their capacities as key actor of change in nowadays Syria.
Agnès Favier ( MEDirections, European Univeristy Institute)
Retour sur l’expérience collective du groupe de recherche « Wartime and Post Conflict in Syria » (MEDirections, European University Institute) : Regards croisés, terrains minés, savoirs partagés
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